About Me

Hey there! I'm Anne.
A few years ago, with 30 years of cultivating strong business relationships under my belt, I decided to take a break from the 9-to-5 job to do something I love.
Sure, it took more than 50 years, but I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up!
I've extensively photographed my own family's story, so lifestyle photography was a natural place to start. While I loved documenting someone else's history and helping them capture memories, I found that I'm most fond of photographing nature. Flowers and all things botanical; waves, fountains and all things water! Couple that with an oddly persistent love of stationery, and my Etsy shop AnneCorcoranStudio was born!
I'm back working full-time and peddling my Etsy wares when I'm off the clock. It's been a fantastic creative outlet and I've been thrilled with the response. As I type this, I'm just a month past the 5th anniversary of opening my shop and I'm just shy of 700 600 sales. It's been the perfect pace.
I've been telling stories with photographs since I was 9. But above and beyond my extensive library of albums, photo boxes, and online galleries:
I'm back in my beloved New England, drinking iced coffee year round; don't consider it a storm unless we get at least a foot of snow.
I spent 30 years living in the DC area and looked forward to joining the masses at the Tidal Basin every year when the Cherry Blossoms were at peak bloom. They were my favorite part of living there!
I used to drink red wine from baby bottles—relax, it was after I turned 21.
I love to hear laughter; bonus points when it's something I've said or done that is the impetus. Well, aside from that throw-rug incident….
I ran track in high school. After a 30 year hiatus, I started running again about 8 years ago and discovered that I still hate it. Runner's high? Yeah, not so much.
I’ve been married to my best friend since 1991—he's the best of the best, a true keeper. Even if he does love running.
I’ve watched my two boyos grow into fine young men. They genuinely enjoy each other and I genuinely enjoy their banter.
I share my home office with two four-foots—my tuxedo feline friends Langley and Quantico.
I’m a dedicated Francophile; I even sent my boys to a K-8 French immersion school. They exacted their revenge each year at science project time.
I am obsessed with stationery. I used to spend hours creating letterhead, notecards, and invitations in PageMaker—yeah, I know, the kids are all using InDesign these days. Check out my shop to browse through my contribution to the world of stationery: note cards and calendars featuring some of my favorite photographs.
It's been a while, but I'm thinking to dip my toes back into my blog. Will be sharing more about how things are going here on the coast of Massachusetts, so be sure to keep an eye out for new posts!