Avast, me hearties! Did you know? September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Yes, there truly is a day for everything.
Talk Like a Pirate Day has become a thing for us. Never would’ve predicted it, but Tim’s current boss celebrates it, well, like a boss. This year marks about ten years since she first hosted an at work party to celebrate. It’s become quite the affair.

They decorate the conference room like a pirate ship and of course dress the part. I laugh cause this is how my husband comes home from the event each year. In full pirate regalia. Puffy shirt, sash belt, ballooning pantaloons, and a pirate skull cap covered in skulls and crossbones. You’ll be glad to know that he removes the eye patch to ensure a safe drive home.
I kid you not, he re-pierced his ear last year—the holes had closed up after two decades of disuse—partially so he could wear a dangling scabbard earring to round out his pirate ensemble
I really admire their dedication to the effort. It’s a well loved tradition that’s slowly working its way into every day life. For example, his work badge hangs on a black lanyard with skulls and crossbones. And we’re always on the lookout for pirate treasures that might enhance the next year’s celebration.
Their work tradition got me thinking about what traditions we’ve established for our family. Sadly, I came up a little short. Other than our annual holiday photo shoot—which is an entirely different post—we don’t really have anything as dedicated as an annual Talk Like A Pirate party. Sure, we’ll periodically gather in front of the TV to watch a cheesy SyFy channel movie, like Sharktopus, Ice Twisters, or Mega Piranha. But who doesn’t? Thankfully, it’s not too late to start a new tradition! We’ll ponder our options, so stay tuned!
How about you? Do you have a work or family tradition? I’d love to hear about it!